An Economic Analysis of Boko Haram’s Activities in the Chad-Cameroon-Nigeria Border Area


  • TAMBA Isaac Faculty of Economics and Management University of Yaounde II Yaounde - Cameroon



Boko Haram, Economic effect of terror, Poverty, International public good.


Terrorism is fast becoming a worldwide phenomenon with about 25% of attacks committed in developing countries. These attacks devastate societies causing huge economic loss with negative growth effects. Recent attacks suspectively conducted by Boko Haram in the north of Nigeria and along its border with Cameroon and Chad are already inflicting damage to local economies with a general drop in savings, investment, trade and a strain on domestic budgets. Poverty and exclusion generate dissidents and reactionary groups activities such as Boko Haram. But, the historical background permits to understand the emergency and the development of some of them. Tackling the Boko Haram threat requires a concerted multinational approach with a key socioeconomic component that incorporates the fact that conflict thrives better in circumstances of poverty and inequality.


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